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Startups often find themselves rapidly evolving, which can lead to founders feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of crucial steps required for success.


In the midst of this fast-paced development, founders may inadvertently skip essential steps or overlook critical aspects of their business. Additionally, their passion for their creation sometimes clouds their judgment, making it difficult to perceive reality accurately.


This combination of factors can hinder their ability to effectively navigate market complexities, establish sustainable business models, and scale operations efficiently.


At Triple G Ventures, we recognize the unique hurdles faced by tech startups, which is why we offer a trio of specialized programs to address their distinct needs.


Our early stage Coaching Program includes personalized mentorship and coaching sessions, strategic advisory sessions, and recommendations.



With these tailored approaches, we provide the support and guidance necessary for startups to navigate challenges, accelerate growth, and ultimately thrive in the competitive landscape.

Program 1

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Program 2

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Program 3: Strategic Opinion 

This program is designed to assist companies at any stage of their development journey, offering evaluation, guidance, and support with various business processes. Whether it's optimizing operations, building and managing teams, expanding into new markets, conducting market analysis, or launching new products, this program provides comprehensive assistance tailored to the specific needs of each company.


Through customized strategic opinion reports and in-depth consultations, stakeholders will gain valuable insights into their business landscape, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.


Your Coach 


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